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company mascot sipping coffee

Welcome to our gallery, where the artistry of Green Belt Glass comes to life. Take a journey through our showcase of previous custom work, collaborations and solo creations, each a unique masterpiece crafted with precision and passion.

fade to black and ghost accented beaker
Base shot of fade to black and ghost tube
midsection shot off fade to black and ghost tube

Fade to Black and Ghost 

Step into a realm where form and function harmonize seamlessly – our 18mm Beaker Bong made with Northstar Glassworks Ghost and Fade to Black Accents is not just a smoking accessory; it's a statement piece that reflects the artistry and innovation embodied by Green Belt Glass.

Custom Request

Engraved Skull Tube
close up of engraved skull tube ash catcher
engraved 18mm bowl slide


Featuring: Gluten Free Willy

This borosilicate glass tube features blue caramel sections with intricately carved skulls. The skulls, skillfully carved into the glass, add a unique and edgy aesthetic to the piece, making it a distinctive work of art.

dichro wig wag blooper tube
close of of blooper section

Solo Creation

The Blooper Tube

The Fire Fade line work accented Blooper tube by Green Belt Glass is a visually stunning piece with intricate line work, featuring a fiery color transition. The unique shape and additional accents make it a standout creation, showcasing Green Belt Glass's craftsmanship and artistic flair.

close up of dewar sealed ash catcher on blooper tube
candy covered ash catcher
front shot of candy covered tube

McTrivish Glass

Glass candies delicately fused to a borosilicate glass tube create a mesmerizing and intricate art piece, blending transparency and vibrant colors in a unique display of craftsmanship.

candy covered tube
sour patch kid bowl slide
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